
Some companies only offer Architectural Design.  Others only offer drafting services to be generated from a Residential Designer's or an Architect's design.

Paragon Design, Inc. offers a complete package from space planning design, working drawings and even Structural Engineering and Title 24 (Energy Compliance), ready to be submitted to obtain a building and planning permit.

Over 27 years of experience in Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego and Orange counties for overall residential and commercial design has given us the opportunity to associate with several of the industry's best consultants: Structural Engineers, Civil Engineers, Acoustic Engineers and Landscape Architects. So, if and when the City requires the services of any or all of the above, we have a pool of engineers we work with for a less stressful and more fluid process.

Using Technology to our advantage
We use Autocad for all of our CAD drafting. This program is universal and can be used by most consultants.

What this means to you?
 -Easy transfer of files to consultants
 -Precise drawings and less hassle during construction
 -We turn around projects faster
 -Revisions done quicker and coordinated with other drawings
- We accomplish more work efficiently, which saves you money.

we provide
Lanscaping drawing showing plant species
Lighting Layout of the site and building uplight and downlighting from eaves
Sprinkler Layout and water pressure calculation
                                        For our other samples of work, see Portlolio page
        CAD              Conversion         from hand           drawing
 Lighting  &    Sprinkler        Design
  Title 24

Interior Design
ph:  (951) 455-3497
cell: (714) 794-7957

Call for initial consultation-FREE!!!
Copyright 2011 Paragon Design Inc: Space Planning Design.  All Rights Reserved

Space Planning Design and Drafting Services

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   Drafting for           other             Architects 
         3d                Flythrough
         3d               Walkthrough